The three hour drive to Fayette with my grandma debbie, Mick and my Mom was an experiance it wasnt bad as i thought it was going to be. As excited as i was to see Casey and his family i thought it was going to be the longest ride of my life! but no it was the exact oppisite. Mick was really good we brought along cows, tractors, trailers, his game, and a colring book to keep him entertained ya well that lasted about a half hour until he started asking "are we almost there" how many more mintues" so after hearing that for another half hour i bribed him the next time we stopped to let grandma go pea haha he could pick out a treat and a drink which only lasted awhile until he started asking again when we were going to
be there lol. We finally arrived in Fayette once Mick seen Casey's dairy he was so excited! to get out out of the car but who wasnt ready lol. The first thing we did was we went "Hooding" i was kinda nervous at first but once we got going it was a blast! Chris and his girlfriend came along with Gabby (Casey's niece) and Me, MIck, and of course Casey. After a few times aof Mick and Casey trying to push me off he got me off along with Casey lol Thanks! for letting him come with us he won't stop
tallking about how much fun he had. After hooding Casey gave me a tour of the dairy which was pretty cool that th
ey can milk forty cows at a time instead of twelve haha after that Casey tried takin me a tractor that was blue which he did get me to sit in but he couldnt get it to start imagine that haha he did manage to get a picture of me standining by it though and thats probably the only picture he will get too lol sorry Casey you know my opinoin on them. Sorry the picture isnt very good probably because we were standing by a blue tractor haha. The rest of the day was a total blast! On the ride to meet my mom in provo was fun we took lots of crazy pictures more then half o
f them didnt turn out cause i was laughing so hard. THANKS! janice and bob for letting me come up, you made me feel really welcomed:) i hope i can come up again sometime soon! Tha
nk you mom for driving me all the way up there it meant alot THANK YOU I LOVE YOU! your the best:)